Notes on Photonics




##Laser Physics

Circulating Power in Laser Cavity




The distribution of circulating power of the laser oscillation in the cavity is an important factor in the optimization of the position of intracavity elements. It is also important for optimization of the beam size to prevent optical damage to the intracavity elements.

The figure below shows a linear laser resonator, where IL(x) and IR(x) are the intracavity one-way oscillation powers of the left and right traveling resonator beams as a function of the intracavity location (x). The rear reflector (back mirror) and output coupler are located at x = 0 and x = Lcav, respectively.



Figure1. Circulating power traveling from to left (IL) and right (IR) directions in a laser cavity


The rod faces are located at x = a and x = b. The R2 is a back mirror with reflectivity close to 100% , so we will neglect the losses on this mirror and we will assume that

𝐼𝑅𝑅(0) = 𝐼𝐿(0)

On the side, the reflectivity mirror with R1 is the output coupler and

𝐼𝑅(𝐿𝑐av) = (1 − 𝑅1) 𝐼𝐿(𝐿cav)

Below we consider two approximations for the total circulation power in the cavity



A. Approximation for the case when the reflectivity of the output coupler is closed to 1 (𝑹𝟏~1)


This approximation is following the discussion in the book [1]. 

Let’s consider g(x) is the distribution of the gain coefficient in the gain element, then the expression for the amplification of the IR oscillation could be written as


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, where g0 is the gain coefficient for a small signal. An identical equation, but with the sign

reversed and IL(x) replaced by IR(x), is obtained for the wave traveling in the (−x) direction. By

solving these equations together, one could obtain that


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In the case when the reflectivity of the output mirror is high; in this case variations of IL(x) and

IR(x) as a function of x are relatively small. If we treat these changes as a perturbation 𝐼𝑅(𝑥) + ∆𝐼

and 𝐼𝐿(𝑥) + ∆𝐼  we obtain, as an approximation for total intracavity power (𝐼Σ),

𝐼Σ = 𝐼𝑅(𝑥) + 𝐼𝐿(𝑥) ≈ 𝑐onstant

Using this equation at mirror R1 we can get

𝐼Σ = 𝐼𝑅1 + 𝐼𝐿1 = (1 + 𝑅1)𝐼𝑅1


In this case, the circulating power Icirc is a good approximation equal to the average of the

power densities of the counterpropagating beams

𝐼circ = (𝐼𝑅 + 𝐼𝐿)⁄2

The above results are basic for using space-independent rate equations to model laser

characteristics. Using the above equation for output radiation as


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or ratio between 𝐼Σ and 𝐼out will be


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This equation shows how much intracavity power exceeds output power and as one can see the ratio grows when R1 approaches to 1. The plot of this dependence is shown below



B. Approximation for the case when    is not closed to 1

In this case, the distribution of the left and right circulating powers in the gain element will be more complicated but we could make some relations between circulation powers near mirrors. Let’s consider that G is the single-pass gain in the gain element. This gain will be the same for the IL and IR waves. Considering that the round-trip gain should be equal losses for stationary conditions (G2R1=1) then we could summarize relations between powers of different propagating waves :\


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Using these relations, we could find the ratio between total optical power near the back mirror and output coupler as


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The dependence of this ratio vs reflectivity of the output coupler (R1) is shown in the figure below. As one can see, the ratio close to ~1 starting from reflectivity R1~50%. Therefore, the approximation that the total power of the oscillation is constant over the cavity is valid for reflectivity higher than 50%.




Figure 2. Left) The ratio of the intracavity power to output power vs reflectivity of output coupler (R1); Right) The ratio intracavity power near back mirror to the power near output coupler vs reflectivity of output coupler (R1)




1.     Walter Koechner “Solid-State Laser Engineering” Sixth Edition; 3.2 Paragraph, Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.(2006)/ ISBN-13: 978-0387-29094-2





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